Санников Дмитрий
Results and ranking
Result 00:43:22.41
04:20 min/km
72.638 points
205 of 1229 of all participants
186 of 739 of all men
35 of 141 in "M25-29" category
Participant's details
Splits and intermediate points
Split name | Distance from start | Clock time | Time at the split | Segment length, m | Segment result | Segment tempo |
Start | 0 | 10:01:15.15 +03 | 00:00:00.00 | 0 | 00:00:00.00 | |
Start "Bolt's 200 m" | 3416 | 10:15:51.97 +03 | 00:14:36.82 | 3416 | 00:14:36.82 | 04:16 min/km |
Finish "Bolt's 200 m" | 3616 | 10:16:44.05 +03 | 00:15:28.90 | 200 | 00:00:52.08 | 04:20 min/km |
7 km | 7000 | 10:31:57.78 +03 | 00:30:42.62 | 3384 | 00:15:13.72 | 04:30 min/km |
Finish (10 km) | 10000 | 10:44:37.56 +03 | 00:43:22.41 | 3000 | 00:12:39.78 | 04:13 min/km |