Club rating

What is a club rating?

Club rating is a way to determine the strongest club in a competition. The strongest may be the most numerous club, the fastest one or a club in which there are many middle-level participants. The club rating takes into account the individual points of each participant. You can read more about points calculation system here.

What is it for?

Honor and respect. This is such a gouge that we came up with so that it would be interesting and fun for everyone.

How it works?

Competitors unite on some basis: a club, colleagues, an embroidery club or something else. Such a union we call a club. Most likely, you are already in favour of a club, and if not -- it's a great chance to join some or to create your own.

According to the results of the competition, each participant receives a certain number of points, based on the result in his age group and the overall standings (for more information about the scoring system here).

The calculation of the club rating does not take into account the participants of the “kids” races and does not take into account the results of the clubs with less than 2 (two) participants were announced for this event.

Individual points of the participants of one club are summed up. This is the basis of the rating. The more points, the higher in the ranking is the club. In case of equal points in two or more teams, the team with a greater number of participants at the finish will receive an advantage. If the participants in these teams are equally divided, the team whose participant showed the best result in the overall standings among men and women wins.

In order to be able to compare the sum of ratings between different competitions, the scores are normalized according to the same system as the individual points.

Further, the normalized points of each club at various races of the series are added up, and the result is a final rating. An example can be found here.