Резникова Руслана

Results and ranking

Result 01:11:51.10

07:11 min/km
0.0 points

2301 of 2447 of all participants
1151 of 1260 of all women
176 of 193 in "F40-44 (1978-1982 г. р.)" category
Splits and intermediate points
Split nameDistance from startTime at the splitSegment length, mSegment resultSegment tempoSplit distance, mSplit resultSplit tempo
5,5 км550000:38:23.40550000:38:23.4006:58 min/km550000:38:23.4006:58 min/km
10 км1000001:11:51.10450000:33:27.698.07 km/h450000:33:27.698.07 km/h
These are video clips at the moment of your passing via a timeline.
#3 — 10 км, passing at 12:18:37.64 for bib 50247