Гончаров Андрей
Result 00:18:16.99
01:49 min/100m
50.268 points
28 of 56 of all participants
28 of 56 of all men
12 of 31 in "М2" category
- Bib
- 114
- Category
- М2
- Birth year
- 1972
- Club
- Silver Swim
Split name | Distance from start | Clock time | Time at the split | Segment length, m | Segment result | Segment tempo |
GUNTIME | 0 | 10:46:20.00 +03 | 00:00:00.00 | 0 | 00:00:00.00 | |
Lap 1 | 167 | 10:48:56.51 +03 | 00:02:36.51 | 167 | 00:02:36.51 | 01:33 min/100m |
Lap 2 | 334 | 10:52:04.95 +03 | 00:05:44.95 | 167 | 00:03:08.43 | 01:52 min/100m |
Lap 3 | 501 | 10:55:13.48 +03 | 00:08:53.48 | 167 | 00:03:08.53 | 01:52 min/100m |
Lap 4 | 668 | 10:58:25.45 +03 | 00:12:05.45 | 167 | 00:03:11.96 | 01:54 min/100m |
Lap 5 | 835 | 11:01:35.79 +03 | 00:15:15.79 | 167 | 00:03:10.34 | 01:53 min/100m |
Lap 6 | 1002 | 11:04:36.99 +03 | 00:18:16.99 | 167 | 00:03:01.19 | 01:48 min/100m |